Penghana by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Masonic Hall by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

The Empire Hotel by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Landscape on Mt Lyell by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

CWA (Country Women’s Association) by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Michael by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Queenstown footy players by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Queenstown footy player (Fred Whatley) by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Queenstown footy player (Max Triffett) by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Queenstown footy player by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Queenstown footy player by Regan Tamanui. Stencil. 36cm x 35cm. Three editions. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Library study by James Wilson. Stencil. 38cm x 35cm. $100. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Queenstown Railway Station by James Wilson. Stencil. 33cm x 42cm. $100. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Thylacine study by James Wilson. Stencil. 35cm x 35cm. $75. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Airsickness 1 by James Wilson. Stencil. 25cm x 12.5cm. $100. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Airsickness 2 by James Wilson. Stencil. 25cm x 12.5cm. $100 each. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Airsickness 3 by James Wilson. Stencil. 25cm x 12.5cm. $100. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Airsickness 4 by James Wilson. Stencil. 25cm x 12.5cm. $100. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.

Airsickness 5 by James Wilson. Stencil. 25cm x 12.5cm. $100. Contact qbankgallery@gmail.com for sales enquiries.
Regan Tamanui:
The work of Haha explores the power of mass media within Australian popular culture. The reality TV phenomena, the religion of sport, criminal lifestyles, get rich quick & instant fame becomes the obsessions, the new virtues of the 21st century.
By using multi-layered stencils of up to 40 layers Haha’s work is a reflection of popular culture. He gets his images direct from the newspaper or from photographing the subject to tell a story of the here & now. Without the aid of a computer, his cutting technique produces lifelike imagery
Haha is a self-taught artist who started off by spray painting stencils on the street & has since then graduated to the gallery.
Website: http://regantamanui.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/regantamanui/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/regan99
James Wilson:
He uses a diverse range of mediums to produce his images from stencilling and screen printing, to oil and spraypainting.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jaaaaameswilson/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jimmywilson701
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