“Across the River from the Esplanade” by Neil Tomkins. 61x61cm. Acrylic on un-stretched canvas. $665.00. Sold. “This work came together really easily and I love when the brush and paint can do a lot of the thinking. It’s when the artist can act as vessel. This work is one of the old houses near the train station and I’m told may have been the conductor’s house. It is viewed from the other side of the river and references some of the local trees and ferns common to Queenstown.”

“Dismantling a mountain” by Chase Archer. 30x40cm oil on board. $450. “This work references the mountain scenes around the town. These mountains bare the marks of human intervention, as though they have just been picked up from one spot and shifted to the other while searching for valuables. I’ve walked up through some of these mountains that are being swallowed back up by the trees, creating a strange dichotomy between people and environment.”

“Top of Little Orr St” by Neil Tomkins. 61x61cm. acrylic on un-stretched canvas. $665.00. Sold. “This was one of the first works completed in my first week of the residency. It references the top end of Orr Street and some of the unusual ferns that are common in the area. It was the first trickles of fresh water coming down form the mountains that inspired me to paint this work.”

“Mr Jennings” by Chase Archer. 30x40cm oil on board. $450. Sold. “While researching the history of the local area and Tasmania in general, I came across an image of Thomas D Jennings. Jennings was credited with being the biggest man in Tasmania. The image was just too good to pass up. The impeccable tailoring of the clothing, the regal look at the camera. I knew immediately it would make a good painting. I wanted to play around with repetition and size. It’s always a challenge repeating an image multiple times in one painting. The little variations in this work appeal to me, as though a slight flick of the brush can change the entire feeling of the work.”

“Queenstown Footy Field” by Neil Tomkins. 61x61cm. Acrylic on canvas. $715.00. Sold. “This is the largest of the paintings I’ve finished of Queenstown Oval. The area offers lush views of the snow-capped mountains as well as the textures of the field surprisingly came together very easily and nicely. It is one of the community’s most visited spots when football season is on.”

“Prospectors” by Chase Archer. 30x40cm oil on board. $450. Sold. “Prospectors depicts two early gold fossickers panning for gold along the water’s edge. The discovery of gold in the mountainous areas surrounding Queenstown prompted the formation of the Mount Lyell Gold Mining company, which in turn began to mine for the copper of which this region is famous for.”

“Road to Penghana” by Neil Tomkins. 51x35cm. Acrylic on un-stretched canvas. $555.00. Sold. “This work is refrenced from a shot taken on the other side of the river and depicts one of the oldest houses in Queenstown, the mining manager’s house known as Penghana. This house has the perfect feel to be translated as a painting. The detail in the construction of this house on the hill is really amazing and it looks beautiful.”

“On the punt” by Chase Archer. 30x40cm oil on board. $450. Sold. “This work is based on some historic photos of people gathering to watch a trotters race, with men chatting or standing about waiting for the next race. When I first arrived in Queenstown I bought a little pocket radio as something to have on in the background while I worked. The radio ended up having only a couple of stations that could be tuned into, one being a station playing the horse races. When I felt like a break from one of the three or four available stations, I would whack on the horses and have a listen. I think through this initial exposure, the idea took hold. When reading through a Tasmanian history book in the library I saw the images and it was a done deal.”

“Cute House, Queenstown” by Neil Tomkins. 40x40cm. Acrylic on Canvas. $495.00. “On the chilly winter days it’s sometimes hard to get out of the house, so when the rain breaks and I can take a walk I usually use it as an opportunity to get some reference shots of the areas Im working in. This work is referencing one of my favourite houses in Queesntown. It’s on Cutten Street, which is why I named it Cute House. It was one of the first paintings completed for this series.”

“Quagmire” by Chase Archer. 30x40cm oil on board. $450. “This painting is of a fully laden wagon trying to get through the mud. No doubt a fairly terrifying experience for the horses. I was struck by the formal appearance of the men trying to get the wagon through this precarious situation. Suits, hats, crisp white shirts and even pocket watches. During my time down here I have had a couple of days of sun, but a lot of rain. I can understand how this sort of situation would occur and how those accustomed to this type of weather would just get in there and approach it as though it was just part of the everyday experience.”

“House on the Hill” by Neil Tomkins. 51x35cm. Acrylic on un-stretched canvas. $555.00. “This was the first piece created for this residency and it is a house that sits half way up the mountain and in clear view of the studio window. I really enjoyed drawing and painting it in the first weeks of residency.”

“Suited up” by Chase Archer. 21.5×30.5cm biro on handmade paper. $150. Sold.

“Hills of Queenstown” by Neil Tomkins. Ink on recycled A2 paper. $275.00. “All paper works are completed on watercolour paper created by Dodgy Paper Co. with collaboration by the artist. This paper has been handmade out of 100% recycled drawings by Neil Tomkins pulped in process and upcycled to produce this completely unique paper. All works are representations by the artist of the Tasmanian West Coast and specifically the Queenstown Area.”

“Cascade Eye” by Chase Archer. 10.5x12cm oil on aluminium beer can. $80.

“Queenstown in Color” by Neil Tomkins. Ink and watercolour on recycled A3 paper. $150.00. “All paper works are completed on watercolour paper created by Dodgy Paper Co. with collaboration by the artist. This paper has been handmade out of 100% recycled drawings by Neil Tomkins pulped in process and upcycled to produce this completely unique paper. All works are representations by the artist of the Tasmanian West Coast and specifically the Queenstown Area.”

“Retrieval” by Chase Archer. 20.5x30cm oil on board. $350.

“Mount Jukes Lookout” by Neil Tomkins. 40x40cm. Acrylic on Canvas. $495.00. “This work was an experiment at first. I’ve never painted snow so these are my first snow paintings and are rather different to a lot of my work. I really enjoyed painting this snowman that I saw on the side of Mount Jukes Road lookout on a very snowy morning driving to some places unreachable without 4×4.”

Playing card study by Chase Archer. 9×5.5cm oil on playing card. $100.

“Overlooking Town” by Neil Tomkins. 51x35cm. Acrylic on canvas. $605.00. Sold. “This work is from one of the higher points in Queenstown and gives a really good vantage point for doing scale works. Playing around with blue underpainting was a nice experiment in this painting and reminds me of some good friends made out here in Queenstown.”

Playing card study by Chase Archer. 9×5.5cm oil on playing card. $100.

“Queenstown Post Office” by Neil Tomkins. 51x35cm. Acrylic on un-stretched canvas. $555.00. “What tour of Queenstown is complete without the local Post Office. One of the older buildings in town, it’s across the road form Q Bank Gallery and a common space for the artists that frequent as well as Queenstown’s residents. This painting was one of the first in the series and experiments with the style I would be working throughout my time here.”

Playing card study by Chase Archer. 9×5.5cm oil on playing card. $100.

“Esplanade” by Neil Tomkins. Ink on recycled A2 paper. $275.00. “All paper works are completed on watercolour paper created by Dodgy Paper Co. with collaboration by the artist. This paper has been handmade out of 100% recycled drawings by Neil Tomkins pulped in process and upcycled to produce this completely unique paper. All works are representations by the artist of the Tasmanian West Coast and specifically the Queenstown Area.”

Playing card study by Chase Archer. 9×5.5cm oil on playing card. $100.

“Mount Jukes Road in Winter” by Neil Tomkins. 40x40cm. Acrylic on canvas. $495.00. “This is from the same drive as the snowman work on was a really beautiful stretch of road that I wanted to reference. This work and the snowman piece could easily be a diptych. The main aim of this work was to put it together in layers with specific reference to the layers that build during the snowy season. Maybe this is reflected in the complexity of Queenstown’s inhabitants as well.”

Playing card study by Chase Archer. 9×5.5cm oil on playing card. $100.

“Polis” by Neil Tomkins. 40x40cm. Acrylic on Canvas. $495.00. Sold. “This piece is a tribute to my favourite car in town. It’s an old police car from Europe. It’s pretty cool and was parked at a nice angle and I wanted the opportunity to paint a car. Technique wise this piece was an opportunity to experiment with the use of blue. It’s called Polis because that’s what is written on the side of the car.”

“Queenstown Top End” by Neil Tomkins. Ink on recycled A4 paper. $75.00. “All paper works are completed on watercolour paper created by Dodgy Paper Co. with collaboration by the artist. This paper has been handmade out of 100% recycled drawings by Neil Tomkins pulped in process and upcycled to produce this completely unique paper. All works are representations by the artist of the Tasmanian West Coast and specifically the Queenstown Area.”

“Queenstown Oval” by Neil Tomkins. 51x35cm. Acrylic on un-stretched canvas. $555.00. Sold. “This is one of a few paintings I’ve completed of the famous Queenstown Oval, where the locals boast a gravel football field that is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a Queenstown icon and I’m told that football games in town are not to be missed.”

“Orr St from the Hills” by Neil Tomkins. Ink on recycled A2 paper. $275.00. “All paper works are completed on watercolour paper created by Dodgy Paper Co. with collaboration by the artist. This paper has been handmade out of 100% recycled drawings by Neil Tomkins pulped in process and upcycled to produce this completely unique paper. All works are representations by the artist of the Tasmanian West Coast and specifically the Queenstown Area.”

“Football field, Queenstown” by Neil Tomkins. Ink on recycled A2 paper. $275.00. “All paper works are completed on watercolour paper created by Dodgy Paper Co. with collaboration by the artist. This paper has been handmade out of 100% recycled drawings by Neil Tomkins pulped in process and upcycled to produce this completely unique paper. All works are representations by the artist of the Tasmanian West Coast and specifically the Queenstown Area.”

Hammer by Neil Tomkins. $200.
Chase Archer:
Queenstown has a rich and complex history tied to the mining of copper from the surrounding mountains. This resource has marked the ebb and flow of the town’s history stretching back to the 1890s. Mining has become intertwined in the fabric of the area and community. When preparing for the residency, I deliberately avoided preparing ideas or concepts in my mind, with the expectation of creating works based on what I found while in Queenstown. I was struck by the strong history and sense of the past. A thing that is so often lost in larger communities. The paintings I have produced are reflective of this sense of history and nostalgia. The paintings draw inspiration from historic photos, depicting the early days of a truly magnificent State.
Website: https://chasearcher.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chase.archer/
Neil Tomkins:
Neil Tomkins is a Sydney-based artist working within the medium of painting.
During the last 10 years, he has studied at Wollongong University, Sydney College of the Arts and Charlie Sheard’s Academy School.
He has exhibited at Project Space, Lo-Fi Darlo Markets, Dedspace, MiLs Gallery, Oh Really!?, Abattoir Gallery, Black town Arts Centre, Glebe Art Prize (winner youth award) and Long Gallery amongst others in both Sydney, Wollongong, and Melbourne. He has also worked on various commission projects and murals.
Neil has been involved in various residency and studio programs in Peru, South America, and Mexico as well as mural projects in these areas. Neil works on various mural and commission-based projects.
Currently, Neil is concerned with a relatively traditional subject matter: Australian landscape, expressive portraiture, and still life. In doing so, he aims more to contort and play with the notions of these themes. The object is to explore the malleable nature of expressionism, which has led to him being labeled as both an impressionist and an expressionist. His aim is to find a balance between these two schools.
Website: https://neiltomkins.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleafmonster/
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